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    (Direct Tapers)



    Making it Easy


    A direct taper is one of the simplest and most effective methods for benzodiazepine withdrawal, and works well for most people. Many members of our community reduce their dose by around 10% every 1-2 weeks, though this is just a guideline, and individual experiences vary widely. It's important to recognize that withdrawing from benzodiazepines is highly personal. While some can taper with little trouble, others require a more gradual approach, but major difficulties are uncommon with a well-structured plan. If you encounter issues during your taper, consider making smaller reductions or increasing the time between cuts. If withdrawal symptoms become too severe, you might explore alternatives like switching to diazepam (Valium) or using titration methods.

    Having a taper plan is wise, but staying flexible is crucial. A plan offers direction, but it should evolve based on your response. Some reductions may feel harder for no obvious reason. In those instances, it’s often best to maintain your current dose until symptoms stabilize before proceeding. Adhering strictly to a schedule, regardless of how you're feeling, can hinder success. A common reason for withdrawal failure is pushing too hard. If you've used benzodiazepines for months or years, expect your taper to take several months. Remember, you control the timeline, not the other way around.

    Some people find the taper easy at first but struggle with dose reductions as they get lower. If you're cutting about 10% of your current dose each time (not 10% of your starting dose), the process becomes difficult when down to one or two pills daily. Splitting benzodiazepine tablets accurately beyond a quarter (or sometimes even half) is unreliable. However, by this stage, your brain is likely functioning more normally, and larger cuts (by percentage) may be more manageable. If not, switching to Valium or using titration might be helpful. These adjustments can be made at any point during your taper.

    So, what does a 10% reduction mean? It’s simply reducing your dose by one-tenth. However, this is only a rough guide, as tablets rarely split perfectly into a 10% reduction. It's recommended to treat 10% as a maximum for your initial cuts and adjust based on your body's response. If all goes well, you can consider increasing the size or frequency of your reductions. Keep in mind that smaller, more frequent reductions are often better tolerated than larger, less frequent ones, even when the overall taper rate remains similar.

    To avoid any complicated calculations, we've provided tables in the next section to guide you through a basic withdrawal schedule that should work for most people looking to discontinue benzodiazepine use.

  • Taper Completion Guide

    For most individuals, the table provided is a practical guide for tapering off benzodiazepines, based on expert recommendations such as those from Prof. Ashton. While it may work for many, it’s important to recognize that the tapering approach outlined may not suit everyone. The size and timing of dosage reductions are general suggestions, meant to reflect what is typically tolerable for the majority of people. However, benzodiazepine withdrawal should always be approached on a case-by-case basis, and it's crucial to consult your doctor before starting your taper.

    To use this table effectively, begin with your current dose and follow the schedule upwards, making reductions every 1-2 weeks. Ensure you are consistent in using the same tablet strength, as mixing different doses can complicate the process. Adjust the timing of cuts according to how well you recover from each reduction, and switch to the smallest available dose of your specific benzodiazepine to maintain precision in your taper.

    Step No. Number of Pills Percent Removed
    1 1/4 50.00%
    2 1/2 33.33%
    3 3/4 25.00%

  • Custom Taper Plans


    Simplifying Withdrawal Schedules

    Our goal with these tables is to make your benzodiazepine withdrawal as manageable as possible. When you're dealing with "benzo brain fog," even basic math can feel overwhelming. To help, we've done the calculations for you in the following table.

    Tracking your dosage changes using percentages helps you understand how each cut compares to previous ones. If percentages feel confusing, remember that they represent parts out of a hundred. For example, 2% means 2 out of 100, and 9% means 9 out of 100. However, percentages don’t directly translate to pill-splitting. To make those cuts more tangible, we’ve provided a Pill-Splitting table to show exactly how many tablets (or fractions) to use at each stage of your taper.



      1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1 1/8 1 1/4 1 3/8 1 1/2 1 5/8 1 3/4 1 7/8 2 2 1/4 2 1/2 2 3/4 3
    1/8 100.00%                                      
    1/4 50.00% 100.00%                                    
    3/8 33.33% 66.67% 100.00%                                  
    1/2 25.00% 50.00% 75.00% 100.00%                                
    5/8 20.00% 40.00% 60.00% 80.00% 100.00%                              
    3/4 16.67% 33.33% 50.00% 66.67% 83.33% 100.00%                            
    7/8 14.29% 28.57% 42.86% 57.14% 71.43% 85.71% 100.00%                          
    1 12.50% 25.00% 37.50% 50.00% 62.50% 75.00% 87.50% 100.00%                        
    1 1/8 11.11% 22.22% 33.33% 44.44% 55.56% 66.67% 77.78% 88.89% 100.00%                      
    1 1/4 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00% 90.00% 100.00%                    
    1 3/8 9.09% 18.18% 27.27% 36.36% 45.45% 54.55% 63.64% 72.73% 81.82% 90.91% 100.00%                  
    1 1/2 8.33% 16.67% 25.00% 33.33% 41.67% 50.00% 58.33% 66.67% 75.00% 83.33% 91.67% 100.00%                
    1 5/8 7.69% 15.38% 23.08% 30.77% 38.46% 46.15% 53.85% 61.54% 69.23% 76.92% 84.62% 92.31% 100.00%              
    1 3/4 7.14% 14.29% 21.43% 28.57% 35.71% 42.86% 50.00% 57.14% 64.29% 71.43% 78.57% 85.71% 92.86% 100.00%            
    1 7/8 6.67% 13.33% 20.00% 26.67% 33.33% 40.00% 46.67% 53.33% 60.00% 66.67% 73.33% 80.00% 86.67% 93.33% 100.00%          
    2 6.25% 12.50% 18.75% 25.00% 31.25% 37.50% 43.75% 50.00% 56.25% 62.50% 68.75% 75.00% 81.25% 87.50% 93.75% 100.00%        
    2 1/8 5.88% 11.76% 17.65% 23.53% 29.41% 35.29% 41.18% 47.06% 52.94% 58.82% 64.71% 70.59% 76.47% 82.35% 88.24% 94.12%        
    2 1/4 5.56% 11.11% 16.67% 22.22% 27.78% 33.33% 38.89% 44.44% 50.00% 55.56% 61.11% 66.67% 72.22% 77.78% 83.33% 88.89% 100.00%      
    2 3/8 5.26% 10.53% 15.79% 21.05% 26.32% 31.58% 36.84% 42.11% 47.37% 52.63% 57.89% 63.16% 68.42% 73.68% 78.95% 84.21% 94.74%      
    2 1/2 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 35.00% 40.00% 45.00% 50.00% 55.00% 60.00% 65.00% 70.00% 75.00% 80.00% 90.00% 100.00%    
    2 5/8 4.76% 9.52% 14.29% 19.05% 23.81% 28.57% 33.33% 38.10% 42.86% 47.62% 52.38% 57.14% 61.90% 66.67% 71.43% 76.19% 85.71% 95.24%    
    2 3/4 4.55% 9.09% 13.64% 18.18% 22.73% 27.27% 31.82% 36.36% 40.91% 45.45% 50.00% 54.55% 59.09% 63.64% 68.18% 72.73% 81.82% 90.91% 100.00%  
    2 7/8 4.35% 8.70% 13.04% 17.39% 21.74% 26.09% 30.43% 34.78% 39.13% 43.48% 47.83% 52.17% 56.52% 60.87% 65.22% 69.57% 78.26% 86.96% 95.65%  
    3 4.17% 8.33% 12.50% 16.67% 20.83% 25.00% 29.17% 33.33% 37.50% 41.67% 45.83% 50.00% 54.17% 58.33% 62.50% 66.67% 75.00% 83.33% 91.67% 100.00%
    3 1/8 4.00% 8.00% 12.00% 16.00% 20.00% 24.00% 28.00% 32.00% 36.00% 40.00% 44.00% 48.00% 52.00% 56.00% 60.00% 64.00% 72.00% 80.00% 88.00% 96.00%
    3 1/4 3.85% 7.69% 11.54% 15.38% 19.23% 23.08% 26.92% 30.77% 34.62% 38.46% 42.31% 46.15% 50.00% 53.85% 57.69% 61.54% 69.23% 76.92% 84.62% 92.31%
    3 3/8 3.70% 7.41% 11.11% 14.81% 18.52% 22.22% 25.93% 29.63% 33.33% 37.04% 40.74% 44.44% 48.15% 51.85% 55.56% 59.26% 66.67% 74.07% 81.48% 88.89%
    3 1/2 3.57% 7.14% 10.71% 14.29% 17.86% 21.43% 25.00% 28.57% 32.14% 35.71% 39.29% 42.86% 46.43% 50.00% 53.57% 57.14% 64.29% 71.43% 78.57% 85.71%
    3 5/8 3.45% 6.90% 10.34% 13.79% 17.24% 20.69% 24.14% 27.59% 31.03% 34.48% 37.93% 41.38% 44.83% 48.28% 51.72% 55.17% 62.07% 68.97% 75.86% 82.76%
    3 3/4 3.33% 6.67% 10.00% 13.33% 16.67% 20.00% 23.33% 26.67% 30.00% 33.33% 36.67% 40.00% 43.33% 46.67% 50.00% 53.33% 60.00% 66.67% 73.33% 80.00%
    3 7/8 3.23% 6.45% 9.68% 12.90% 16.13% 19.35% 22.58% 25.81% 29.03% 32.26% 35.48% 38.71% 41.94% 45.16% 48.39% 51.61% 58.06% 64.52% 70.97% 77.42%
    4 3.13% 6.25% 9.38% 12.50% 15.63% 18.75% 21.88% 25.00% 28.13% 31.25% 34.38% 37.50% 40.63% 43.75% 46.88% 50.00% 56.25% 62.50% 68.75% 75.00%
    4 1/8 3.03% 6.06% 9.09% 12.12% 15.15% 18.18% 21.21% 24.24% 27.27% 30.30% 33.33% 36.36% 39.39% 42.42% 45.45% 48.48% 54.55% 60.61% 66.67% 72.73%
    4 1/4 2.94% 5.88% 8.82% 11.76% 14.71% 17.65% 20.59% 23.53% 26.47% 29.41% 32.35% 35.29% 38.24% 41.18% 44.12% 47.06% 52.94% 58.82% 64.71% 70.59%
    4 3/8 2.86% 5.71% 8.57% 11.43% 14.29% 17.14% 20.00% 22.86% 25.71% 28.57% 31.43% 34.29% 37.14% 40.00% 42.86% 45.71% 51.43% 57.14% 62.86% 68.57%
    4 1/2 2.78% 5.56% 8.33% 11.11% 13.89% 16.67% 19.44% 22.22% 25.00% 27.78% 30.56% 33.33% 36.11% 38.89% 41.67% 44.44% 50.00% 55.56% 61.11% 66.67%
    4 5/8 2.70% 5.41% 8.11% 10.81% 13.51% 16.22% 18.92% 21.62% 24.32% 27.03% 29.73% 32.43% 35.14% 37.84% 40.54% 43.24% 48.65% 54.05% 59.46% 64.86%
    4 3/4 2.63% 5.26% 7.89% 10.53% 13.16% 15.79% 18.42% 21.05% 23.68% 26.32% 28.95% 31.58% 34.21% 36.84% 39.47% 42.11% 47.37% 52.63% 57.89% 63.16%
    4 7/8 2.56% 5.13% 7.69% 10.26% 12.82% 15.38% 17.95% 20.51% 23.08% 25.64% 28.21% 30.77% 33.33% 35.90% 38.46% 41.03% 46.15% 51.28% 56.41% 61.54%
    5 2.50% 5.00% 7.50% 10.00% 12.50% 15.00% 17.50% 20.00% 22.50% 25.00% 27.50% 30.00% 32.50% 35.00% 37.50% 40.00% 45.00% 50.00% 55.00% 60.00%
    5 1/8 2.44% 4.88% 7.32% 9.76% 12.20% 14.63% 17.07% 19.51% 21.95% 24.39% 26.83% 29.27% 31.71% 34.15% 36.59% 39.02% 43.90% 48.78% 53.66% 58.54%
    5 1/4 2.38% 4.76% 7.14% 9.52% 11.90% 14.29% 16.67% 19.05% 21.43% 23.81% 26.19% 28.57% 30.95% 33.33% 35.71% 38.10% 42.86% 47.62% 52.38% 57.14%
    5 3/8 2.33% 4.65% 6.98% 9.30% 11.63% 13.95% 16.28% 18.60% 20.93% 23.26% 25.58% 27.91% 30.23% 32.56% 34.88% 37.21% 41.86% 46.51% 51.16% 55.81%
    5 1/2 2.27% 4.55% 6.82% 9.09% 11.36% 13.64% 15.91% 18.18% 20.45% 22.73% 25.00% 27.27% 29.55% 31.82% 34.09% 36.36% 40.91% 45.45% 50.00% 54.55%
    5 5/8 2.22% 4.44% 6.67% 8.89% 11.11% 13.33% 15.56% 17.78% 20.00% 22.22% 24.44% 26.67% 28.89% 31.11% 33.33% 35.56% 40.00% 44.44% 48.89% 53.33%
    5 3/4 2.17% 4.35% 6.52% 8.70% 10.87% 13.04% 15.22% 17.39% 19.57% 21.74% 23.91% 26.09% 28.26% 30.43% 32.61% 34.78% 39.13% 43.48% 47.83% 52.17%
    5 7/8 2.13% 4.26% 6.38% 8.51% 10.64% 12.77% 14.89% 17.02% 19.15% 21.28% 23.40% 25.53% 27.66% 29.79% 31.91% 34.04% 38.30% 42.55% 46.81% 51.06%
    6 2.08% 4.17% 6.25% 8.33% 10.42% 12.50% 14.58% 16.67% 18.75% 20.83% 22.92% 25.00% 27.08% 29.17% 31.25% 33.33% 37.50% 41.67% 45.83% 50.00%
    6 1/8 2.04% 4.08% 6.12% 8.16% 10.20% 12.24% 14.29% 16.33% 18.37% 20.41% 22.45% 24.49% 26.53% 28.57% 30.61% 32.65% 36.73% 40.82% 44.90% 48.98%
    6 1/4 2.00% 4.00% 6.00% 8.00% 10.00% 12.00% 14.00% 16.00% 18.00% 20.00% 22.00% 24.00% 26.00% 28.00% 30.00% 32.00% 36.00% 40.00% 44.00% 48.00%
    6 3/8 1.96% 3.92% 5.88% 7.84% 9.80% 11.76% 13.73% 15.69% 17.65% 19.61% 21.57% 23.53% 25.49% 27.45% 29.41% 31.37% 35.29% 39.22% 43.14% 47.06%
    6 1/2 1.92% 3.85% 5.77% 7.69% 9.62% 11.54% 13.46% 15.38% 17.31% 19.23% 21.15% 23.08% 25.00% 26.92% 28.85% 30.77% 34.62% 38.46% 42.31% 46.15%
    6 5/8 1.89% 3.77% 5.66% 7.55% 9.43% 11.32% 13.21% 15.09% 16.98% 18.87% 20.75% 22.64% 24.53% 26.42% 28.30% 30.19% 33.96% 37.74% 41.51% 45.28%
    6 3/4 1.85% 3.70% 5.56% 7.41% 9.26% 11.11% 12.96% 14.81% 16.67% 18.52% 20.37% 22.22% 24.07% 25.93% 27.78% 29.63% 33.33% 37.04% 40.74% 44.44%
    6 7/8 1.82% 3.64% 5.45% 7.27% 9.09% 10.91% 12.73% 14.55% 16.36% 18.18% 20.00% 21.82% 23.64% 25.45% 27.27% 29.09% 32.73% 36.36% 40.00% 43.64%
    7 1.79% 3.57% 5.36% 7.14% 8.93% 10.71% 12.50% 14.29% 16.07% 17.86% 19.64% 21.43% 23.21% 25.00% 26.79% 28.57% 32.14% 35.71% 39.29% 42.86%
    7 1/8 1.75% 3.51% 5.26% 7.02% 8.77% 10.53% 12.28% 14.04% 15.79% 17.54% 19.30% 21.05% 22.81% 24.56% 26.32% 28.07% 31.58% 35.09% 38.60% 42.11%
    7 1/4 1.72% 3.45% 5.17% 6.90% 8.62% 10.34% 12.07% 13.79% 15.52% 17.24% 18.97% 20.69% 22.41% 24.14% 25.86% 27.59% 31.03% 34.48% 37.93% 41.38%
    7 3/8 1.69% 3.39% 5.08% 6.78% 8.47% 10.17% 11.86% 13.56% 15.25% 16.95% 18.64% 20.34% 22.03% 23.73% 25.42% 27.12% 30.51% 33.90% 37.29% 40.68%
    7 1/2 1.67% 3.33% 5.00% 6.67% 8.33% 10.00% 11.67% 13.33% 15.00% 16.67% 18.33% 20.00% 21.67% 23.33% 25.00% 26.67% 30.00% 33.33% 36.67% 40.00%
    7 5/8 1.64% 3.28% 4.92% 6.56% 8.20% 9.84% 11.48% 13.11% 14.75% 16.39% 18.03% 19.67% 21.31% 22.95% 24.59% 26.23% 29.51% 32.79% 36.07% 39.34%
    7 3/4 1.61% 3.23% 4.84% 6.45% 8.06% 9.68% 11.29% 12.90% 14.52% 16.13% 17.74% 19.35% 20.97% 22.58% 24.19% 25.81% 29.03% 32.26% 35.48% 38.71%
    7 7/8 1.59% 3.17% 4.76% 6.35% 7.94% 9.52% 11.11% 12.70% 14.29% 15.87% 17.46% 19.05% 20.63% 22.22% 23.81% 25.40% 28.57% 31.75% 34.92% 38.10%
    8 1.56% 3.13% 4.69% 6.25% 7.81% 9.38% 10.94% 12.50% 14.06% 15.63% 17.19% 18.75% 20.31% 21.88% 23.44% 25.00% 28.13% 31.25% 34.38% 37.50%
    8 1/8 1.54% 3.08% 4.62% 6.15% 7.69% 9.23% 10.77% 12.31% 13.85% 15.38% 16.92% 18.46% 20.00% 21.54% 23.08% 24.62% 27.69% 30.77% 33.85% 36.92%
    8 1/4 1.52% 3.03% 4.55% 6.06% 7.58% 9.09% 10.61% 12.12% 13.64% 15.15% 16.67% 18.18% 19.70% 21.21% 22.73% 24.24% 27.27% 30.30% 33.33% 36.36%
    8 3/8 1.49% 2.99% 4.48% 5.97% 7.46% 8.96% 10.45% 11.94% 13.43% 14.93% 16.42% 17.91% 19.40% 20.90% 22.39% 23.88% 26.87% 29.85% 32.84% 35.82%
    8 1/2 1.47% 2.94% 4.41% 5.88% 7.35% 8.82% 10.29% 11.76% 13.24% 14.71% 16.18% 17.65% 19.12% 20.59% 22.06% 23.53% 26.47% 29.41% 32.35% 35.29%
    8 5/8 1.45% 2.90% 4.35% 5.80% 7.25% 8.70% 10.14% 11.59% 13.04% 14.49% 15.94% 17.39% 18.84% 20.29% 21.74% 23.19% 26.09% 28.99% 31.88% 34.78%
    8 3/4 1.43% 2.86% 4.29% 5.71% 7.14% 8.57% 10.00% 11.43% 12.86% 14.29% 15.71% 17.14% 18.57% 20.00% 21.43% 22.86% 25.71% 28.57% 31.43% 34.29%
    8 7/8 1.41% 2.82% 4.23% 5.63% 7.04% 8.45% 9.86% 11.27% 12.68% 14.08% 15.49% 16.90% 18.31% 19.72% 21.13% 22.54% 25.35% 28.17% 30.99% 33.80%
    9 1.39% 2.78% 4.17% 5.56% 6.94% 8.33% 9.72% 11.11% 12.50% 13.89% 15.28% 16.67% 18.06% 19.44% 20.83% 22.22% 25.00% 27.78% 30.56% 33.33%
    9 1/8 1.37% 2.74% 4.11% 5.48% 6.85% 8.22% 9.59% 10.96% 12.33% 13.70% 15.07% 16.44% 17.81% 19.18% 20.55% 21.92% 24.66% 27.40% 30.14% 32.88%
    9 1/4 1.35% 2.70% 4.05% 5.41% 6.76% 8.11% 9.46% 10.81% 12.16% 13.51% 14.86% 16.22% 17.57% 18.92% 20.27% 21.62% 24.32% 27.03% 29.73% 32.43%
    9 3/8 1.33% 2.67% 4.00% 5.33% 6.67% 8.00% 9.33% 10.67% 12.00% 13.33% 14.67% 16.00% 17.33% 18.67% 20.00% 21.33% 24.00% 26.67% 29.33% 32.00%
    9 1/2 1.32% 2.63% 3.95% 5.26% 6.58% 7.89% 9.21% 10.53% 11.84% 13.16% 14.47% 15.79% 17.11% 18.42% 19.74% 21.05% 23.68% 26.32% 28.95% 31.58%
    9 5/8 1.30% 2.60% 3.90% 5.19% 6.49% 7.79% 9.09% 10.39% 11.69% 12.99% 14.29% 15.58% 16.88% 18.18% 19.48% 20.78% 23.38% 25.97% 28.57% 31.17%
    9 3/4 1.28% 2.56% 3.85% 5.13% 6.41% 7.69% 8.97% 10.26% 11.54% 12.82% 14.10% 15.38% 16.67% 17.95% 19.23% 20.51% 23.08% 25.64% 28.21% 30.77%
    9 7/8 1.27% 2.53% 3.80% 5.06% 6.33% 7.59% 8.86% 10.13% 11.39% 12.66% 13.92% 15.19% 16.46% 17.72% 18.99% 20.25% 22.78% 25.32% 27.85% 30.38%
    10 1.25% 2.50% 3.75% 5.00% 6.25% 7.50% 8.75% 10.00% 11.25% 12.50% 13.75% 15.00% 16.25% 17.50% 18.75% 20.00% 22.50% 25.00% 27.50% 30.00%
    10 1/8 1.23% 2.47% 3.70% 4.94% 6.17% 7.41% 8.64% 9.88% 11.11% 12.35% 13.58% 14.81% 16.05% 17.28% 18.52% 19.75% 22.22% 24.69% 27.16% 29.63%
    10 1/4 1.22% 2.44% 3.66% 4.88% 6.10% 7.32% 8.54% 9.76% 10.98% 12.20% 13.41% 14.63% 15.85% 17.07% 18.29% 19.51% 21.95% 24.39% 26.83% 29.27%
    10 3/8 1.20% 2.41% 3.61% 4.82% 6.02% 7.23% 8.43% 9.64% 10.84% 12.05% 13.25% 14.46% 15.66% 16.87% 18.07% 19.28% 21.69% 24.10% 26.51% 28.92%
    10 1/2 1.19% 2.38% 3.57% 4.76% 5.95% 7.14% 8.33% 9.52% 10.71% 11.90% 13.10% 14.29% 15.48% 16.67% 17.86% 19.05% 21.43% 23.81% 26.19% 28.57%
    10 5/8 1.18% 2.35% 3.53% 4.71% 5.88% 7.06% 8.24% 9.41% 10.59% 11.76% 12.94% 14.12% 15.29% 16.47% 17.65% 18.82% 21.18% 23.53% 25.88% 28.24%
    10 3/4 1.16% 2.33% 3.49% 4.65% 5.81% 6.98% 8.14% 9.30% 10.47% 11.63% 12.79% 13.95% 15.12% 16.28% 17.44% 18.60% 20.93% 23.26% 25.58% 27.91%
    10 7/8 1.15% 2.30% 3.45% 4.60% 5.75% 6.90% 8.05% 9.20% 10.34% 11.49% 12.64% 13.79% 14.94% 16.09% 17.24% 18.39% 20.69% 22.99% 25.29% 27.59%
    11 1.14% 2.27% 3.41% 4.55% 5.68% 6.82% 7.95% 9.09% 10.23% 11.36% 12.50% 13.64% 14.77% 15.91% 17.05% 18.18% 20.45% 22.73% 25.00% 27.27%
    11 1/8 1.12% 2.25% 3.37% 4.49% 5.62% 6.74% 7.87% 8.99% 10.11% 11.24% 12.36% 13.48% 14.61% 15.73% 16.85% 17.98% 20.22% 22.47% 24.72% 26.97%
    11 1/4 1.11% 2.22% 3.33% 4.44% 5.56% 6.67% 7.78% 8.89% 10.00% 11.11% 12.22% 13.33% 14.44% 15.56% 16.67% 17.78% 20.00% 22.22% 24.44% 26.67%
    11 3/8 1.10% 2.20% 3.30% 4.40% 5.49% 6.59% 7.69% 8.79% 9.89% 10.99% 12.09% 13.19% 14.29% 15.38% 16.48% 17.58% 19.78% 21.98% 24.18% 26.37%
    11 1/2 1.09% 2.17% 3.26% 4.35% 5.43% 6.52% 7.61% 8.70% 9.78% 10.87% 11.96% 13.04% 14.13% 15.22% 16.30% 17.39% 19.57% 21.74% 23.91% 26.09%
    11 5/8 1.08% 2.15% 3.23% 4.30% 5.38% 6.45% 7.53% 8.60% 9.68% 10.75% 11.83% 12.90% 13.98% 15.05% 16.13% 17.20% 19.35% 21.51% 23.66% 25.81%
    11 3/4 1.06% 2.13% 3.19% 4.26% 5.32% 6.38% 7.45% 8.51% 9.57% 10.64% 11.70% 12.77% 13.83% 14.89% 15.96% 17.02% 19.15% 21.28% 23.40% 25.53%
    11 7/8 1.05% 2.11% 3.16% 4.21% 5.26% 6.32% 7.37% 8.42% 9.47% 10.53% 11.58% 12.63% 13.68% 14.74% 15.79% 16.84% 18.95% 21.05% 23.16% 25.26%
    12 1.04% 2.08% 3.13% 4.17% 5.21% 6.25% 7.29% 8.33% 9.38% 10.42% 11.46% 12.50% 13.54% 14.58% 15.63% 16.67% 18.75% 20.83% 22.92% 25.00%
    12 1/8 1.03% 2.06% 3.09% 4.12% 5.15% 6.19% 7.22% 8.25% 9.28% 10.31% 11.34% 12.37% 13.40% 14.43% 15.46% 16.49% 18.56% 20.62% 22.68% 24.74%
    12 1/4 1.02% 2.04% 3.06% 4.08% 5.10% 6.12% 7.14% 8.16% 9.18% 10.20% 11.22% 12.24% 13.27% 14.29% 15.31% 16.33% 18.37% 20.41% 22.45% 24.49%
    12 3/8 1.01% 2.02% 3.03% 4.04% 5.05% 6.06% 7.07% 8.08% 9.09% 10.10% 11.11% 12.12% 13.13% 14.14% 15.15% 16.16% 18.18% 20.20% 22.22% 24.24%
    12 1/2 1.00% 2.00% 3.00% 4.00% 5.00% 6.00% 7.00% 8.00% 9.00% 10.00% 11.00% 12.00% 13.00% 14.00% 15.00% 16.00% 18.00% 20.00% 22.00% 24.00%
    12 5/8 0.99% 1.98% 2.97% 3.96% 4.95% 5.94% 6.93% 7.92% 8.91% 9.90% 10.89% 11.88% 12.87% 13.86% 14.85% 15.84% 17.82% 19.80% 21.78% 23.76%
    12 3/4 0.98% 1.96% 2.94% 3.92% 4.90% 5.88% 6.86% 7.84% 8.82% 9.80% 10.78% 11.76% 12.75% 13.73% 14.71% 15.69% 17.65% 19.61% 21.57% 23.53%
    12 7/8 0.97% 1.94% 2.91% 3.88% 4.85% 5.83% 6.80% 7.77% 8.74% 9.71% 10.68% 11.65% 12.62% 13.59% 14.56% 15.53% 17.48% 19.42% 21.36% 23.30%
    13 0.96% 1.92% 2.88% 3.85% 4.81% 5.77% 6.73% 7.69% 8.65% 9.62% 10.58% 11.54% 12.50% 13.46% 14.42% 15.38% 17.31% 19.23% 21.15% 23.08%
    13 1/8 0.95% 1.90% 2.86% 3.81% 4.76% 5.71% 6.67% 7.62% 8.57% 9.52% 10.48% 11.43% 12.38% 13.33% 14.29% 15.24% 17.14% 19.05% 20.95% 22.86%
    13 1/4 0.94% 1.89% 2.83% 3.77% 4.72% 5.66% 6.60% 7.55% 8.49% 9.43% 10.38% 11.32% 12.26% 13.21% 14.15% 15.09% 16.98% 18.87% 20.75% 22.64%
    13 3/8 0.93% 1.87% 2.80% 3.74% 4.67% 5.61% 6.54% 7.48% 8.41% 9.35% 10.28% 11.21% 12.15% 13.08% 14.02% 14.95% 16.82% 18.69% 20.56% 22.43%
    13 1/2 0.93% 1.85% 2.78% 3.70% 4.63% 5.56% 6.48% 7.41% 8.33% 9.26% 10.19% 11.11% 12.04% 12.96% 13.89% 14.81% 16.67% 18.52% 20.37% 22.22%
    13 5/8 0.92% 1.83% 2.75% 3.67% 4.59% 5.50% 6.42% 7.34% 8.26% 9.17% 10.09% 11.01% 11.93% 12.84% 13.76% 14.68% 16.51% 18.35% 20.18% 22.02%
    13 3/4 0.91% 1.82% 2.73% 3.64% 4.55% 5.45% 6.36% 7.27% 8.18% 9.09% 10.00% 10.91% 11.82% 12.73% 13.64% 14.55% 16.36% 18.18% 20.00% 21.82%
    13 7/8 0.90% 1.80% 2.70% 3.60% 4.50% 5.41% 6.31% 7.21% 8.11% 9.01% 9.91% 10.81% 11.71% 12.61% 13.51% 14.41% 16.22% 18.02% 19.82% 21.62%
    14 0.89% 1.79% 2.68% 3.57% 4.46% 5.36% 6.25% 7.14% 8.04% 8.93% 9.82% 10.71% 11.61% 12.50% 13.39% 14.29% 16.07% 17.86% 19.64% 21.43%
    14 1/8 0.88% 1.77% 2.65% 3.54% 4.42% 5.31% 6.19% 7.08% 7.96% 8.85% 9.73% 10.62% 11.50% 12.39% 13.27% 14.16% 15.93% 17.70% 19.47% 21.24%
    14 1/4 0.88% 1.75% 2.63% 3.51% 4.39% 5.26% 6.14% 7.02% 7.89% 8.77% 9.65% 10.53% 11.40% 12.28% 13.16% 14.04% 15.79% 17.54% 19.30% 21.05%
    14 3/8 0.87% 1.74% 2.61% 3.48% 4.35% 5.22% 6.09% 6.96% 7.83% 8.70% 9.57% 10.43% 11.30% 12.17% 13.04% 13.91% 15.65% 17.39% 19.13% 20.87%
    14 1/2 0.86% 1.72% 2.59% 3.45% 4.31% 5.17% 6.03% 6.90% 7.76% 8.62% 9.48% 10.34% 11.21% 12.07% 12.93% 13.79% 15.52% 17.24% 18.97% 20.69%
    14 3/4 0.85% 1.69% 2.54% 3.39% 4.24% 5.08% 5.93% 6.78% 7.63% 8.47% 9.32% 10.17% 11.02% 11.86% 12.71% 13.56% 15.25% 16.95% 18.64% 20.34%
    15 0.83% 1.67% 2.50% 3.33% 4.17% 5.00% 5.83% 6.67% 7.50% 8.33% 9.17% 10.00% 10.83% 11.67% 12.50% 13.33% 15.00% 16.67% 18.33% 20.00%
    15 1/4 0.82% 1.64% 2.46% 3.28% 4.10% 4.92% 5.74% 6.56% 7.38% 8.20% 9.02% 9.84% 10.66% 11.48% 12.30% 13.11% 14.75% 16.39% 18.03% 19.67%
    15 1/2 0.81% 1.61% 2.42% 3.23% 4.03% 4.84% 5.65% 6.45% 7.26% 8.06% 8.87% 9.68% 10.48% 11.29% 12.10% 12.90% 14.52% 16.13% 17.74% 19.35%
    15 3/4 0.79% 1.59% 2.38% 3.17% 3.97% 4.76% 5.56% 6.35% 7.14% 7.94% 8.73% 9.52% 10.32% 11.11% 11.90% 12.70% 14.29% 15.87% 17.46% 19.05%
    16 0.78% 1.56% 2.34% 3.13% 3.91% 4.69% 5.47% 6.25% 7.03% 7.81% 8.59% 9.38% 10.16% 10.94% 11.72% 12.50% 14.06% 15.63% 17.19% 18.75%
    16 1/4 0.77% 1.54% 2.31% 3.08% 3.85% 4.62% 5.38% 6.15% 6.92% 7.69% 8.46% 9.23% 10.00% 10.77% 11.54% 12.31% 13.85% 15.38% 16.92% 18.46%
    16 1/2 0.76% 1.52% 2.27% 3.03% 3.79% 4.55% 5.30% 6.06% 6.82% 7.58% 8.33% 9.09% 9.85% 10.61% 11.36% 12.12% 13.64% 15.15% 16.67% 18.18%
    16 3/4 0.75% 1.49% 2.24% 2.99% 3.73% 4.48% 5.22% 5.97% 6.72% 7.46% 8.21% 8.96% 9.70% 10.45% 11.19% 11.94% 13.43% 14.93% 16.42% 17.91%
    17 0.74% 1.47% 2.21% 2.94% 3.68% 4.41% 5.15% 5.88% 6.62% 7.35% 8.09% 8.82% 9.56% 10.29% 11.03% 11.76% 13.24% 14.71% 16.18% 17.65%
    17 1/4 0.72% 1.45% 2.17% 2.90% 3.62% 4.35% 5.07% 5.80% 6.52% 7.25% 7.97% 8.70% 9.42% 10.14% 10.87% 11.59% 13.04% 14.49% 15.94% 17.39%
    17 1/2 0.71% 1.43% 2.14% 2.86% 3.57% 4.29% 5.00% 5.71% 6.43% 7.14% 7.86% 8.57% 9.29% 10.00% 10.71% 11.43% 12.86% 14.29% 15.71% 17.14%
    17 3/4 0.70% 1.41% 2.11% 2.82% 3.52% 4.23% 4.93% 5.63% 6.34% 7.04% 7.75% 8.45% 9.15% 9.86% 10.56% 11.27% 12.68% 14.08% 15.49% 16.90%
    18 0.69% 1.39% 2.08% 2.78% 3.47% 4.17% 4.86% 5.56% 6.25% 6.94% 7.64% 8.33% 9.03% 9.72% 10.42% 11.11% 12.50% 13.89% 15.28% 16.67%
    18 1/4 0.68% 1.37% 2.05% 2.74% 3.42% 4.11% 4.79% 5.48% 6.16% 6.85% 7.53% 8.22% 8.90% 9.59% 10.27% 10.96% 12.33% 13.70% 15.07% 16.44%
    18 1/2 0.68% 1.35% 2.03% 2.70% 3.38% 4.05% 4.73% 5.41% 6.08% 6.76% 7.43% 8.11% 8.78% 9.46% 10.14% 10.81% 12.16% 13.51% 14.86% 16.22%
    18 3/4 0.67% 1.33% 2.00% 2.67% 3.33% 4.00% 4.67% 5.33% 6.00% 6.67% 7.33% 8.00% 8.67% 9.33% 10.00% 10.67% 12.00% 13.33% 14.67% 16.00%
    19 0.66% 1.32% 1.97% 2.63% 3.29% 3.95% 4.61% 5.26% 5.92% 6.58% 7.24% 7.89% 8.55% 9.21% 9.87% 10.53% 11.84% 13.16% 14.47% 15.79%
    19 1/4 0.65% 1.30% 1.95% 2.60% 3.25% 3.90% 4.55% 5.19% 5.84% 6.49% 7.14% 7.79% 8.44% 9.09% 9.74% 10.39% 11.69% 12.99% 14.29% 15.58%
    19 1/2 0.64% 1.28% 1.92% 2.56% 3.21% 3.85% 4.49% 5.13% 5.77% 6.41% 7.05% 7.69% 8.33% 8.97% 9.62% 10.26% 11.54% 12.82% 14.10% 15.38%
    19 3/4 0.63% 1.27% 1.90% 2.53% 3.16% 3.80% 4.43% 5.06% 5.70% 6.33% 6.96% 7.59% 8.23% 8.86% 9.49% 10.13% 11.39% 12.66% 13.92% 15.19%
    20 0.63% 1.25% 1.88% 2.50% 3.13% 3.75% 4.38% 5.00% 5.63% 6.25% 6.88% 7.50% 8.13% 8.75% 9.38% 10.00% 11.25% 12.50% 13.75% 15.00%
  • For instance, if you are currently taking seven tablets per day, begin by locating "7" in the left-hand column. Move across that row until you find a percentage that aligns with your intended reduction—let’s say around 7.5%. You’ll notice a percentage close to that: 7.14%. Trace upwards from this percentage to the top row, where you'll see the fraction "1/2." This means that reducing your daily dose by half a tablet would bring your new dose to 6.5 tablets, achieving a 7.14% reduction, all without needing to do any calculations!

    The table includes fractions as small as quarters and eighths of a tablet. While some may find it easy to divide their pills into such small amounts, others may struggle. If you encounter a fraction that is difficult to manage with your specific tablets, consider choosing a different percentage reduction that corresponds to a more manageable fraction.


    If you’re unsure about your tapering plan or need a second opinion on your dosage reduction, the Beating Benzos forum is an excellent resource where you can connect with others who have experience and get the guidance you need. The community is highly supportive and knowledgeable, offering advice and reassurance as you navigate your tapering process.



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