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Disagreeing with a Moderation Decision


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Disagreeing with a Moderation Decision


If you believe a moderation decision is unjust or would like to provide general suggestions or feedback, the most appropriate course of action depends on the circumstances. We will give due consideration to complaints, but public discussion of specific moderation actions, particularly by those not directly affected by a moderation decision, is disruptive to the community’s smooth functioning and unfair to the team and members directly involved. Please note that we will not permit protracted, public discussions about moderation actions in the thread where the moderation action was taken, neither by the member concerned nor by observers.


If you are the subject of a moderation action, your best course of action is to utilize the “Contact the Team” forum. Alternatively, you may send a Personal Message (PM) to the moderator expressing your concerns. Please be aware that if you instead raise the matter publicly, a public response from the team is likely.


If you are an observer to a moderation action affecting another member and wish to express your concerns, the appropriate forum to use is the “Contact the Team” forum or send a PM to a forum Administrator. You should refrain from posting to the thread concerned or any other threads related to the matter.


For members who wish to discuss moderation policy in more general terms (not specific moderation actions), you may initiate a thread in the “Member Feedback & Technical Support” forum. Alternatively, if you prefer to make your suggestion privately, you may utilize the “Contact the Team” forum.


Thank you for observing the above guidelines. We appreciate your feedback, even if it is critical.




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